Lucky Steps Review – Earn $35 for Tracking Your Steps? (Honest Review)

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Hi there, making money app enthusiast! Welcome to my article Lucky Steps Review – Earn $200 for Tracking Your Steps? (Honest Review)

You might have come across Lucky Steps and wondered whether the app is legit or not. Maybe you are tired of downloading reward apps that promise to pay you for easy activities like walking, only to be disappointed when they don’t deliver.

It’s normal if you doubt an application that promises rewards, considering that there are so many similar applications that end up disappointing. I’m here to help you answer some questions that might always come to your mind such as is Lucky Steps legit or scam? is Lucky Steps real or fake? is Lucky Steps safe? does Lucky Steps pay real money?

Lucky Steps, an Android app, claims to be different. It promises to track your steps and turn them into cash, offering the potential for passive income just by walking around.

The developers behind Lucky Steps have created a tempting advertisement that you can earn over $200 in no time. But is Lucky Steps legit or scam?

In this Lucky Steps review, we’ll take a closer look at Lucky Steps to see if it delivers its promises. So without any further ado, here is Lucky Steps Review – Earn $200 for Tracking Your Steps? (Honest Review)

Please note that I am not a member or an affiliate of Lucky Steps. This Lucky Steps review has been researched with information and/or testimonials that are available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and/or conclusions are strictly opinions and may not apply to, or agree with, all persons or situations.

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What Is Lucky Steps?

Lucky Steps is an Android app that promotes fitness and rewards users for staying active. With over 500k installations on the Play Store, it tracks your steps and encourages you to achieve your daily fitness goals. For every step you take, Lucky Steps rewards you with 4 points or coins. However, be prepared for an advertising onslaught as every tap, swipe, or glance at the app will trigger a sponsored video.

Lucky Steps created by Fungames Club is available worldwide for free. However, the app has an overall rating of 0 stars and a high payout threshold of $35.

Once you’ve collected 2 million coins, you can redeem them for $177. While this may seem like a great deal, it’s important to stick around as we reveal the truth behind this step-tracking cash cow.

Lucky Steps is a useful app for those looking to track their fitness progress and earn rewards for their efforts. However, the constant barrage of advertisements can be frustrating for some users. If you’re willing to put up with the ads, Lucky Steps can be a fun and rewarding way to stay active.

How Does Lucky Steps Work?

Lucky Steps is a mobile app available on the Play Store for Android devices worldwide. To start using Lucky Steps, you simply need to provide your gender, height, and weight. This information helps the app customize its tracking to provide more accurate results.

Interestingly, Lucky Steps does not require users to register, which is a red flag since most legitimate reward apps require some form of registration to prevent fraudulent accounts.

Once you’ve entered your details and allowed Lucky Steps to track your physical activity, you’ll receive a welcome bonus of 50,000 coins. However, to earn more coins, you’ll need to watch advertisements. With every step you take, you’ll earn four coins, which can be exchanged for cash after watching more ads.

Lucky Steps tracks both indoor and outdoor activities with its built-in motion sensors found in smartphones that detect your movement. The app offers basic fitness features, such as displaying the distance you’ve walked, calories burned, and exercise duration. It even records your progress over time and presents it in an easy-to-read graph.

The developers of Lucky Steps entice users with virtual coins that can supposedly be exchanged for cash. However, the developers are getting paid by advertisers for every video you watch. It’s a clever strategy to reel you in with the prospect of easy money and keep you engaged.

Lucky Step offers even more rewards as you strive to reach your daily goals. The app features games like the lucky wheel, luck scratch, and slots, which give you a chance to win additional coins.

To withdraw your funds, you’ll need to collect 2 million coins, which convert to $35. You can initiate the withdrawal process by opening the coin wallet within the app, where you can see the value of your coins in your local currency. From there, you can choose the amount you wish to redeem. However, reaching the 2 million coin threshold can be challenging, requiring significant time and patience.

Lucky Steps is a mobile app that rewards users for physical activity with virtual coins that can be exchanged for cash. However, the app requires users to watch advertisements to earn more coins, and the withdrawal threshold is high. While Lucky Steps offers some basic fitness features and games, users must decide whether the effort is worth the reward.

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Lucky Steps Withdrawal | Lucky Steps Payout

Have you ever wondered how to turn your earned coins into cash? Lucky Steps might make it seem easy and simple, but let’s be honest, there are limits.

Imagine this, you can only cash it out once you collect 2 million coins, and guess what? That means it’s only $35. So, let’s dive into the ins and outs of starting the withdrawal process and make sure it’s worth your time and effort.

First things first, you need to open up the coin wallet within the app. Once you’re in, you’ll get a glimpse of the value of your coins in your local currency. It’s like peering into a treasure chest, but the real challenge lies ahead.

Now comes the fun part,  choosing the amount you want to redeem. You’ve put in the effort, so it’s fair for you to decide how much you want to spend.

But here’s the interesting part, you can’t ignore the fact that reaching that 2 million coin threshold can be a very difficult task. It takes time, patience, and maybe a bit of luck. So, before you start on this journey, be prepared for the long haul.

Let’s be honest, collecting 2 million coins is not as easy as it seems. This is a tough task that requires a large investment of your time and patience. The question on your mind should be, will they pay?

You’re not here to waste your time while developers profit from your hard work. Lucky Steps might seem like a game, but your time is valuable. Before you immerse yourself in this app to earn money, make sure you know the pros and cons of how they handle payments.

Is Lucky Steps Legit or Scam? | Lucky Steps Review

According to my research, Lucky Step does not pay out real cash rewards. The app’s developer has created a profitable digital asset for themselves by exploiting users’ time and displaying endless advertisements.

While the app promises the opportunity to earn cash rewards by accumulating 2 million coins, this task is nearly impossible and can leave even the most determined users feeling hopeless. To put things into perspective, it would be like walking to the moon and back to withdraw a few dollars.

The strategy behind this app is simple, dangling fake dollars in front of users will get them to do whatever the developers want. However, most users eventually give up, realizing that the promised pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is nothing more than an illusion.

Even if you can collect 2 million coins, the developers will ignore your payment request or come up with hidden video requirements. In the end, you will realize that the cash rewards are fake.

Lucky Step is not a legitimate making money app for earning real cash rewards. The app’s promises are false, and you should avoid wasting your time and effort on it. Go find Lucky Steps proven legit alternatives.

Is Lucky Steps Safe? | Lucky Steps Review

Lucky Steps is safe, the app doesn’t ask for your sensitive personal details, credentials, or bank account details. So you can install and use Lucky Steps without worry. Until this article was published, no complaints regarding security or user data leaks had been found. However, I cannot guarantee that this application will always be safe, considering that an application will always undergo development or worse be attacked by fraudsters or scammers.

Does Lucky Steps Pay Real Money? | Lucky Steps Review

Lucky Steps will not pay you. The threshold is too high. You’ll end up frustrated due to there will be tons of ads will pop up on your mobile screen. You’ll be bombarded with endless ads that increase profit for developers while you will get nothing. It is important to remember that its main purpose is to generate revenue for the developers. The cash incentives offered by the app are entirely fake, making it an unreliable source for earning money.

However, you can utilize this app to motivate you for a healthy life by monitoring your steps, so you get benefits from the app.

Is There an Alternative to Lucky Steps?

If you’re looking for a more dependable alternative to Lucky Steps, you might want to consider Sweatcoin. These apps may not make you rich, but they genuinely reward users for taking steps. Unlike Lucky Steps, you can trust that these companies share a portion of their profits as advertised.

Thank you for reading this Lucky Steps review. Good luck on your journey to find making money app. You can see more reviews of making money apps on the “Apps and Websites Review” menu.

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Lucky Steps Review – Earn $35 for Tracking Your Steps? (Honest Review)

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